Getsypremium - Michael Myers Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Leatherface Chucky trick or treat Halloween shirt

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After 30 years as one of the Michael Myers Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Leatherface Chucky trick or treat Halloween shirt also I will do this world’s top models, Georgina Grenville has worked with the world’s great image makers—Meisel, Avedon, Penn, the list goes on. Still, nothing could have prepared her for her latest challenge: a shoot where her teenage daughter called all the shots. In Kwaidan Editions’ latest ads, Grenville and her 15-year-old daughter Louna joined forces to create a campaign centered on motherhood. The atmospheric images feature Grenville walking the streets of her arrondissement in the brand’s minimalist designs and look straight out of a magazine editorial — all the work of the enterprising Louna. “There were no ground rules other than a firm promise I made to Louna that I would not take over her shoot,” shared Grenville via email from Paris. “She is very bossy, so it worked out just fine.”
Michael Myers Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Leatherface Chucky trick or treat Halloween shirt
Jokes aside, the Michael Myers Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Leatherface Chucky trick or treat Halloween shirt also I will do this collaboration offered something new for the veteran model. In search of a creative project, Grenville and her agents at Next Management sat down with Kwaidian editions designers, Léa Dickely and Hung La. Initially proposed as a series of self-portraits, the campaign concept evolved during the conversation. “The more we talked, the idea of shooting everything myself overwhelmed me,” says Grenville. “Having met my daughter Louna backstage at their show in February, Hung and Léa suggested she shoot it. I thought it was an exciting proposal—the idea of seeing myself through my daughter’s eyes! When I brought it up with Louna, she loved the idea. For us, it was a pleasure to have a common project.”
Michael Myers Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger Leatherface Chucky trick or treat Halloween s Hoodie

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